It started with a literary novel, "The Fiction Class" by Susan Breen. Going into 2016, Algonkian has successfully assisted and networked writers into dozens of agent and publishing contracts covering all genres. Tin House and Squaw Valley, MOVE OVER! More information found here.  |

10/18 - 10/21/16. All Genres . $595

The writer conference that begins before you arrive.
Conference Schedule
The conference begins on Tuesday morning and lasts until Friday. On the first three days, the conference begins at 9:00 A.M. and continues till 5 P.M. each day with an hour and 15 minutes for lunch. Both these days are filled with presentations, Q&A discussions, and group exercises designed to cover all vital points and issues related to the creation of a competitive novel manuscript.
In addition, we have scheduled two additional workshops, one on building needed credentials via publishing short fiction, and another designed to assist you perfect your pitch prior to Sunday. On Friday morning, beginning at 9:30 A.M., participants are given the opportunity to pitch agents their novels and narrative non-fiction projects.
Major topics as follows below (including social events).
TUESDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.
Presenter Michael Neff
What The Successful Author Must Possess |
Role Play Editor, Platform-Premise-Execution, "The Plan," Craft Basics, Purpose-Passion-Tenacity, Single Best Author Tool + A Great Pitch. |

Market Reality and Pragmatic Thinking |
Author Needs vs. Market Demands, Nuances of Genre vs. "Literary", What the Commercial Caesar Demands, Insider Info, Fierce Competition and Agent Targeting, From the Heart But Smart, Pitching the Novel, Value of The Perfect Log Line. |

Lunch at Noon
Write to Market Pitch Panels - Ongoing - Writers Present Their Novels to The Conference and Workshop Leaders for Analysis and Pitch Perfection
WEDNESDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M.
Presenters Ann Garvin and Michael Neff
Drama's Most Powerful Elements in The Novel |
Drama Theory, Statement of Conflict, Rising Action, Three Act Structure, Screenplay vs. Freytag, 15 Steps of Complication, Reader Reaction Flow, Dramatic Complication as Plot Core. |

Write to Market Pitch Panels - Ongoing - Writers Present Their Novels to The Conference and Workshop Leaders for Analysis and Pitch Perfection

Lunch at Noon
Presenters Ann Garvin and Michael Neff
Know Your Story, Know Your Characters |
Animation Sketching, Cognition and Affect, Social Reaction Profile, Ticks and Tags, Epiphany and Emotional Evolution, The Power of Great Antagonists, Sympathetic Protagonist in First Ten Pages. |

Publicity and Marketing Panel
Isabella Michon and David Cole - 3:30 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

Genre and Upscale Credentials Via Short Fiction Publication - Optional Workshop - 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Literary Happy Hour Mixer - 5:30 P.M. to 7 P.M.
THURSDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M.
Write to Market Pitch Panels - Ongoing - Writers Present Their Novels to The Conference and Workshop Leaders for Analysis and Pitch Perfection

Presenters Ann Garvin and Michael Neff
Plot Devices and Other Needs |
Scene Construction, Verisimilitude, POV, Masking, Foreshadow, Timesim, Exposition, Surprise, Minor Complication, Suspense Techniques, Character Arcs, and more. |

Story Enhancement Techniques |
Stages of Event, Narrative Energy, Seeding of Tension and Sub-events, Anecdotal Devices, Imagery, Flashbacks, and More. |

Lunch at Noon
Presenters Ann Garvin and Michael Neff
Strong Narrative Through Synergy |
Prose Enhancement Guides, Compare and Contrast of Narrative Styles, The Art of Fiction, Subject Matter vs. Prose Style--Who Wins? |

Dialogue: Never a Gratuitous Word |
Screen and Stage Dialogue vs. Novel, Major Functions, Show Don't Tell, Inclusion of Specific Elements, Types of Dialogue, Narrative Interjections, Character Roles in Scene, Common Mistakes, Role in Exposition. |

Prose Enhancement and Publication |
Prose drills, Narrative Guide and Checklists, Structure Reference Guide, Perfect Synopsis and Query, Best People and Places to Query. |

Write to Market Creativity and Inspiration Speaker
Penny Warner
10:00 A.M. to 11:15 A.M.

One-on-One Novel Pitch Feedback
Optional Workshop - 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Literary Happy Hour Mixer - 5:30 P.M. to 7 P.M.
DAY FOUR, FRIDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.
Write to Market Agent Pitch Sessions |
Participants have three hours to meet with literary agents. Conference presenters will be availble for consultation during the process, offering advice and strategy. |
This newly formed conference is managed and owned by Algonkian Writer Conferences. No different than the several Algonkian events, it is a strong and comprehensive foundation-building experience for aspiring authors and fiction writers of all genres.
The WTM will take place in
Corte Madera, just 20 minutes north of San Francisco, and less than an hour from Napa Valley, Point Reyes, Sausalito, and other points.
